We are passionate about helping people achieve their best in life, wellness and finances


Ronen Brown

Ronen is a passionate team leader, with expertise in natural health, network marketing, and Real Estate Mortgages and investments.  

The premature loss of both his parents drove Ronen to learn as much as possible about different ways to help his body heal itself,  in hopes of rewriting his future against the genetic odds of cancer and heart disease. 

For over 28 years, Ronen has dedicated much of his life to exploring alternative & preventative medicine, and loves to share his knowledge with those he comes in contact with.

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Alexandra Brown

Alexandra has a diverse knowledge of natural medicine and healthy living, She strives to be an advocate for personal empowerment regarding health.

At the age of 17, she was introduced to Chinese Martial Arts and Traditional Chinese Medicine, an important turning point in her life. Alexandra's practice in Pa-Kua Knowledge transformed her both mentally and physically. and she went on to earn a 3rd Degree Black Belt and teach hundreds of students in three different countries.